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(조던피터슨 강연시리즈 2)How Students Can Make a Difference

by Every News for you 2023. 12. 3.


As a student, you have a unique opportunity to make a difference in the world. Dr. Peterson, a renowned professor, believes that the key lies in developing your skills of articulation, critical thinking, and reading. In this blog, we will explore Dr. Peterson's advice for students and how they can use their time in university to become powerful and influential individuals.

The Power of Education

Dr. Peterson emphasizes the importance of education in shaping a person's identity and future. He encourages students to read great books and indulge in the vast knowledge available in the university libraries. According to him, being educated is not just about getting a job or a degree; it is about becoming articulate and powerful.

By mastering the art of formulating arguments, students can become unstoppable. The ability to think critically and speak articulately gives them authority, influence, and respectability. Dr. Peterson believes that there is nothing more powerful than someone who can communicate effectively. Moreover, he highlights the transformative power of education, where students can shine a light on the world through their knowledge and wisdom.

University as a Heroic Mission

Dr. Peterson urges students to view their university experience as a heroic mission. He believes that each student has the potential to be a world-beater, capable of accomplishing great things. Rather than focusing on protests and complaints, he advises students to seize the opportunity to manifest their highest potential.

Instead of being oppressed, students should embrace the power that comes with education. Dr. Peterson challenges the notion that the world is an oppressive place and encourages students to use their skills to combat the tragedy of life. He believes that education is the key to fighting unnecessary suffering and making a positive impact on society.

Opportunities Await Graduates

After graduation, many students wonder what they should do with their lives. According to Dr. Peterson, graduates who have developed their skills to their fullest potential will find doors opening for them. Hyper-competent individuals, he says, are not selfish or greedy. They take pleasure in offering opportunities to young, talented individuals who have the potential to be accomplished.

Dr. Peterson reassures students that there is no need to worry about what they will do after graduation. The world is in constant need of people who can think critically and communicate effectively. If students have turned themselves into half of what they could be, opportunities will come knocking at their door.

Making a Difference in the World

Dr. Peterson's advice to graduates is to stop unnecessary suffering. He believes that this should be the calling of every educated individual. By using their skills and knowledge, graduates can make a significant impact on the world.

Dr. Peterson emphasizes that making a difference does not require a sense of ultimate destiny or theistic belief. It is about recognizing that there is more suffering in the world than there should be and taking action to alleviate it. He cites examples like Bill Gates, who is actively working to eradicate diseases and improve lives.

Ultimately, Dr. Peterson encourages students to take on the burden of responsibility and strive to make the world a better place. It is through this selfless pursuit that students can find meaning and fulfillment in their lives.


Dr. Peterson's advice to students is clear and powerful. He urges them to embrace the transformative power of education and become articulate and powerful individuals. By doing so, they can open doors of opportunity and make a difference in the world.

As students, you have a unique opportunity to shine a light on the world and combat unnecessary suffering. The world is waiting for individuals who can think critically, speak articulately, and take on the responsibility of making a positive impact. Will you accept this challenge?
